Naturopathic Tips for managing Endometriosis

Naturopathic Tips for Managing Endometriosis

Managing Endometriosis means more than just looking at your hormones. We know this is why naturopathic approaches to supporting people with Endometriosis really helps as we focus on lifestyle interventions and assess each patient holistically. So here are our Naturopathic Tips for Managing Endometriosis.

Every person will experience endo differently from the next - it isn't just about heavy painful periods. It's so much more than that, and as we educate our patients to understand all the ways that this complicated condition it helps them focus on what kinds of things they can be doing to support their pain and inflammation associated with Endo.

What is Endometriosis:

Endometriosis (endo) is a medical condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, causing pain and sometimes fertility problems. While naturopathic approaches may not replace conventional medical treatments, they can be complementary and may help manage symptoms. We work with patients one-on-one in clinic, but also through our Group Naturopathic Consults where people get more than just naturopathic care and understanding. You can read more about these here.

Naturopathic Tips for Managing Endometriosis:

Anti-Inflammatory Diet:

  • Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. It's not about having a perfect diet - cos that doesn't exist - it's just about ensuring there's a bit of balance, and understanding how food makes you feel. Ensuring you have good whole food as a regular part of your meals is ideal.
  • Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and fatty fish, to help reduce inflammation.

Manage Stress:

  • Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. But also reading a book, watching a movie, laughing with a friend, and patting your cat (or dog), will make a huge difference. We love time in nature and spending time with people you love - there is often nothing better than this type of stress relief.
  • Adequate sleep is essential for managing stress and promoting overall well-being. Seriously, we can not stress this enough (pardon the stress pun), but with chronic pain, you'll feel more stressed, and it may feel like a bit of a vicious circle sometimes of stress making you feel pain, and pain making you feel stressed - because that is exactly what is happening. Getting on top of stress management

Herbal Support:

  • Some herbs may have anti-inflammatory properties and support hormone balance. We love herbs for all sorts of aspects of endo. Gut health, pain, inflammation, immunity - all the aspects of this condition can be supported with herbal medicine.
  • Using herbs in tinctures or teas, tablets or powders, and always under the supervision of a trained herbalist; often people with Endo are on other medications and we need to ensure there are no contraindications.

Regular Movement

  • Engage in regular, moderate exercise to help manage pain and improve overall well-being. It can be hard to get that exercise routine in place, but it will help a lot.
  • Low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or gentle yoga can be beneficial.
  • We recommend working with trained physios or exercise physiologists (We love Sunrise Physio & Haven Wellness in Sydney).  It is essential you work with people who understand your body and it's specific needs.

Avoid Endocrine Disruptors:

  • Reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in some plastics, pesticides, and household products.
  • Choose natural and organic products when possible. Start with beauty and cleaning products - and work out from there.
  • But keep in mind you just have to do the best you can - it is really, really hard to avoid these chemicals in our daily lives these days as they are everywhere.

Gut Health

  • If you have endo you'll most likely be aware that your tummy can sometimes be a bit funny. There are so many reasons this can happen. Hormones, infections, bacterial imbalances, food sensitivities - many culprits can be causing this.
  • Consider consulting with a healthcare professional about the potential benefits of probiotic supplements and whether more detailed explorations need to happen.


  • Stay well-hydrated to support overall health is important for all of us.
  • We recommend using electrolytes to help with keeping you hydrated, we like Sodii, as they are Australian and tasty great.

Consult a Naturopath or Herbalist.

  • Work with a qualified naturopath who can create a personalised treatment plan based on your specific needs and symptoms. Taking the time to understand your unique symptoms is what we do best. Naturopaths help you understand your body and giving you the tools to manage your Endo, forever.
  • Your naturopath should work with all your existing health professionals; your endo is best managed with a team.


We hope this helps, drop us a line if you have questions, or come and see us. Our clinic is 100% online, which means you can see us from anywhere in Australia.

