Group Consults for Endometriosis. Manage Endometriosis with naturopathy and nutrition

Join the New Leaf Endo Group

If you're looking for a new way to manage your Endometriosis symptoms, gain insights into your health and feel supported at the same time, then joining New Leaf's Endo Group is the place for you.

New Leaf's senior naturopath, Hannah Boyd is opening her books for the next Endo Group Consults term. Each term lasts for 5 months, with monthly naturopathic appointments.

We will be running more Endo Groups over the next few months. A monthly Endo Group for existing patients (a monthly endo group), or people who have seen Hannah before. Also a new intake for Endo patients - this will be fortnightly for 6 sessions for those new to their endo journey or naturopathic treatment.

If you're interested in taking part please get in touch, fill out the intake form and lets get started!

Places are limited, each group only has a few spots!

Who can join?

  • Anyone who has been diagnosed with endometriosis or adenomyosis

  • Existing New Leaf Patients

  • For the first time we are opening the group for New patients of the clinic, but we'll need to get a bit of info from you first which involves an additional intake session (so you'll have 5 group sessions plus one individual 30min appointment with Hannah)

Join the waitlist here!


How does it work?

  • Monthly Group Naturopathic appointments & education sessions. In-person and live this is not pre-recorded content you have to ingest!

  • Personalised naturopathic care. These are appointments, not just info sessions!

  • Limited places per group! Our group sessions are intimate and personal.

  • By signing up you are committing to all five sessions it's not a drop-in group - you get the most out of it when we're all together each month.

  • If you miss a session you'll be sent a recording of the education session and your auto payment will continue to be deducted.

  • Pay in full at the time of booking for all 5 (or 6) sessions for a 20% discount or as a monthly auto-recurring payment through our secure system.

  • The 5-session program is non-refundable (contact us if extenuating circumstances)

  • For existing patients, each appointment is $90, a total of $450 for 5 months of naturopathic treatment (or a one-off charge of $360)

  • New patients of the clinic will also have a one-on-one intake appointment with Hannah prior to starting the group so she can get to know you before the group sessions start, meaning they'll receive 6 sessions per term (still $90 per session, and a total of $540).

Where and when?

All session are held online viz Zoom, conveniently so you can get treatment from the comfort of your own home.

How do I sign up?


Want to know a bit more?

What Are Group Naturopathic Consults?

During each session, participants receive individualised care through "Check-Ins." These are shorter consultations conducted in front of the other group members. Initially, this may seem unusual, but it allows participants to learn from each other's experiences. The focus is on addressing one area at a time, such as helping with prescriptions or going through pathology or test results if necessary.

Group Naturopathic Consults are sessions where a group of individuals come together to receive education and personalised care from a naturopath. The sessions include providing each patient attention to their own personal clinical needs, as well as naturopathic education specific to the needs of the group and people with endometriosis.

While the consultations are primarily conducted in a group setting, there is an opportunity for a private one-on-one session with Hannah if there are specific concerns that individuals prefer not to discuss in front of the group.

In addition to Hannah, a trained group facilitator named Sophia Gerontakos is present in each session. Sophia coordinates the groups, ensures the sessions stay on schedule, takes notes, and assists participants with any needs they may have.

What Shared Naturopathic Consults are not:

Endometriosis and adenomyosis are complex conditions and we'll be addressing all of this - gut, immune, mental health, sex, body-mind life - all of it. We will not specifically be addressing fertility cases - what I mean by this is that if you are actively trying to fall pregnant or undergoing fertility treatment this will have to be carried out in one-on-one consults. Please let me know if you have questions about this.

Group consultations do not replace one-on-one consults - but you may not need both. Many of the existing Group members learn when something is specific for the group but also when you may more targeted support. Ideally, I want you to get the most benefits from the group work as your primary place of care.

Group consults are not group therapy - we all come with our own experiences and life decisions - there is always a place to offer support, we are there to hear one another’s experiences rather than give and receive advice and we encourage listening without judgement.

Join the Waitlist:
