
Frequently asked questions

Curiosity is Encouraged

We’re here to make this process as easy as possible for you, especially if this is your first venture into the wonderful world of naturopathy.

Here’s a handy list of frequently asked questions, to help you officially turn a New Leaf (ba-doom-tsh).

What does a naturopath do?

A naturopath is a highly trained health practitioner with qualifications in herbal medicine and clinical nutrition. They treat each patient individually and address the underlying cause of disease as well as its symptoms.

Do I have to take herbs?

Well, yes, and of course, no… we prescribe a lot of them. If you take herbs, they’ll be especially designed for your needs. We create bespoke herbal remedies from our dispensary, which contains over 120 different herbal tinctures

How can you help me?

Our practitioners will explore every detail of your health concerns and all aspects of your health and its history. Treatments may include nutritional and herbal medicine, lifestyle and food recommendations.

Will you just tell me to meditate more (or less?!)

Sure, sometimes we will advise meditation, but not for everyone. Really, it depends.

This isn’t cookie-cutter health. It's about looking at what you have on your plate at this moment and figuring out how we can make life easier, not more complicated. We aim to arm you with practical and realistic tools that you can integrate into your existing life - sometimes meditation is part of that, or part of the end goal - but it’s all part of a larger health journey.

How much in an initial appointment?

Initial appointments range between $210-280 depending on your chosen practitioner. You can read more about our appointment types here.

How long will my appointments be?

Your initial appointment will be 90 minutes - because of the level of detail we go into, we can’t make them any shorter. Ongoing appointments will be between 30-60 minutes. It’s important that you arrive on time to get the most of your allocated slot.

How do I prepare for my appointment?

How do I prepare for my appointment?

In your welcome email, you’ll receive your telehealth link - just click it and go.

If you have trouble connecting, we’ll know pretty quickly and have backup solutions ready to go to get our appointment started on time. Please get comfy, have a good internet connection, a fully charged battery and quiet surrounds so we can hear you clearly. We like you to be in a private space, not walking or driving - set yourself up with a cup of tea, a notepad and pen, and let's begin.

What should I bring to my appointment?

Bring yourself - all of it. We want to know all about you.

We’ll ask you to fill out your new patient form as soon as you get your welcome letter. We’ll also ask you to scan and email any pathology or medical results as a PDF as soon as possible. Note: please send us any updated results at least two days before your appointment to ensure we have time to review it before we chat.

Can I get a rebate with my Private Health Insurance?

At the moment, unfortunately not.

As of 1st April 2019, the Australian government has changed how you can claim for your treatments with Naturopaths from your private health fund.

We’ve been working hard to have this decision reversed, and are confident it will be at some point in the near future. Please contact your health insurance and your local member of parliament to speak with them about how you can help reverse this decision.

Do you offer telehealth?

We only offer telehealth. All of our appointments are done online via our secure telehealth system. We’ll let you know when we can offer face-to-face consultations again, but we promise that TeleHealth works just as well as IRL.

What herbs do you use?

We choose only the best quality herbs available in Australia. We opt for organic and wildcrafted where possible, and ensure that the herbs we choose are sustainably sourced. We’ll never use endangered species, or herbs that are heading that way.

Are they safe?

Like many medicines, herbal medicines are only safe if used correctly.

As professionally trained herbalists, we are qualified to formulate and prescribe herbal medicines for our patients. Each prescription considers your presenting symptoms, your underlying conditions, and any contraindications with medication or other supplements you may be taking. Herbal medicine is really the people’s medicine, but it should be prescribed by a professional to ensure therapeutic and positive results.

I think I’ve had a reaction to my medicines, what should I do?

First thing: stop all the medicines you’re taking, and assess whether you need medical assistance.

Reactions to herbal medicine and supplements are rare, but not impossible. We all react differently to things.

Secondly, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can assist you and help you feel better quickly.

How can I get in touch to ask questions before my appointment?

You can email the clinic at gethealthy@new-leaf.com.au to ask a few questions before your appointment. We suggest having a good read of our website as it really does sum out what we’re about. We are not available for pre-consult chats, as we are often seeing clients.

Can I book online?

Yes - please do - our booking system is easy to use, and our website is awesome (if we do say so ourselves). You’ll be asked to pay for your appointment at the time of booking via our secure payment system. Once you book, you’ll receive all the information you need for your appointment including new patient forms and a telehealth link.

Do we have experience in treating my condition?

We have experience in treating a variety of conditions. Our extensive training and ongoing education ensure that she has a deep understanding of the human body. When it comes to hormone health, mental health, fertility and preconception, autoimmunity or digestive health, you can be confident in the fact that we have most likely worked with similar patients before.

What if I need to cancel or change my appointment?

Please contact the clinic to move or cancel your appointment at gethealthy@new-leaf.com.au. If you’ve prepaid and need a refund, this will be arranged as well. We just ask for as much notice as possible if you need to change any bookings to ensure that we can let the next person on the waitlist know.

How much notice do I need to give if I can’t make my appointment?

Our booking T&Cs means you need to tell us 24 hours before your appointment if you can’t make it. You may be asked to pay for the full cost of your appointment if you cancel with little notice or do not arrive at your appointment. We understand that life happens, and always consider your individual situation.

What is a baby platypus called?

A puggle! Who doesn’t love platypus? Platypi? We’ve never seen baby ones, but always see platypus at our favourite secret camp spot on the Turon River.
